In its announcement and the subsequent news conference, the Federal Reserve Chairman highlighted that recent indicators point to steady economic expansion, with the unemployment rate stabilizing at a low level in recent months and labor market conditions remaining robust. However, inflation remains somewhat elevated.
The Committee aims to achieve maximum employment and maintain inflation at 2 percent over the long term. It currently views the risks to its employment and inflation objectives as roughly balanced but acknowledges the uncertainty of the economic outlook and remains vigilant to risks affecting its dual mandate.
To support these goals, the Committee decided to maintain the target range for the federal funds rate at 4.25% to 4.5%. When considering future adjustments to this range, it will closely evaluate incoming economic data, evolving conditions, and the balance of risks. The Committee will also continue reducing its holdings of Treasury securities, agency debt, and agency mortgage-backed securities. It remains firmly committed to fostering maximum employment and bringing inflation back to its 2 percent target.
In determining the appropriate stance of monetary policy, the Committee will carefully monitor how new information affects the economic outlook. It stands ready to adjust its policies if emerging risks threaten its objectives. Its assessments will be guided by a broad range of data, including labor market performance, inflation pressures and expectations, and domestic and global financial developments.
Important Information:
Warren Gerow is an independent investment wealth consultant to Sightline Wealth Management.
Sightline Wealth Management LP (“Sightline”) is an investment dealer and is a member of the Canadian Industry Regulation Organization (CIRO) and the Canadian Investor Protection Fund (CIPF).
Sightline provides management and investment advisory services to high-net-worth individuals and institutional investors. Sightline Wealth Management LP is a wholly owned subsidiary of Ninepoint Financial Group Inc. (“NFG Inc.”). NFG Inc. is also the parent company of Ninepoint Partners LP, it is an investment fund manager and advisor and exempt market dealer. By virtue of the same parent company, Sightline is affiliated with Ninepoint Partners LP. Information and/or materials contained herein is for information purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell or solicitation to purchase securities of any issuer or any portfolio managed by Sightline Wealth Management or Ninepoint Partners, including Ninepoint managed funds.
The opinions and information contained in this article are those of Sightline Wealth Management (“Sightline”) as of the date of this article and are subject to change without notice. Sightline endeavours to ensure that the content has been compiled from sources that we believe to be reliable. The information is not meant to be used as the primary basis of investment decisions and should not be constructed as advice. Each investor should obtain independent advice before making any investment decisions.